Webster's Collaborative New Word Dictionary - D


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dad bod (informal): a physique regarded as typical of an average father; especially : one that is slightly overweight and not extremely muscular.

danfo (n.): a yellow minibus that carries passengers for a fare as part of an informal transport system in Lagos, the largest city in Nigeria.

dawn chorus: the singing of wild birds that closely precedes and follows sunrise especially in spring and summer.

decarceration (n.): release from imprisonment or the practice or policy of reducing the number of people subject to imprisonment.

deepfake (n): An image or recording that has been convincingly altered to misrepresent someone as doing or saying something that was not actually done or said.

de-extinction (n): The (proposed or imagined) revival of an extinct species, typically by cloning or selective breeding.

deleter (n): A person who or thing which deletes something.

delicense (v): To deprive (a person, business, vehicle, etc.) of a license providing official permission to operate.

denialism (n): The policy or stance of denying the existence or reality of something, esp. something which is supported by the majority of scientific evidence.

denialist (n): A person who denies the existence or reality of something, esp. something which is supported by the majority of scientific or historical evidence.

deplatform: to remove and ban (a registered user) from a mass communication medium (such as a social networking or blogging website) broadly : to prevent from having or providing a platform to communicate.

destigmatizing (n): The action or process of removing the negative connotation or social stigma associated with something.

digital blackface (n.): the use by White people of digital depictions of Black or Brown people or skin tones especially for the purpose of self-representation or self-expression.

digital nomad: someone who performs their occupation entirely over the Internet while traveling; especially : such a person who has no permanent fixed home address.

dof (adj): Stupid, dim-witted; uninformed, clueless.

doorbell camera: a small camera that is designed for use on an exterior door, that includes or connects to a doorbell, and that often has a built-in microphone and speaker.

droning (n): The action of using a military drone or a similar commercially available device.

dulce et decorum (n.): the belief or ideology that to die in a battle for one's country is glorious or noble.

dulce et decorum est (n. and phr.): the belief or ideology that to die in a battle for one's country is glorious or noble.

dumbphone: a cell phone that does not include advanced software features (such as email or an internet browser) typically found on smartphones


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