Webster's Collaborative New Word Dictionary - V
vaccine passport: a physical or digital document providing proof of vaccination against one or more infectious diseases (such as COVID-19).
V-card (n.): virginity. Often in to lose one's V-card: to lose one's virginity.
verse (v.): transitive. To compete against a person or team in a game or sport.
video doorbell: a small security camera that is designed for use on an exterior door, that includes or connects to a doorbell, and that often has a microphone and speaker.
virtue signaling: the act or practice of conspicuously displaying one's awareness of and attentiveness to political issues, matters of social and racial justice, etc., especially instead of taking effective action.
vote-a-rama: U.S. government : an unusually large number of debates and votes that happen in one day on a single piece of legislation to which an unlimited number of amendments can be introduced, debated, and voted on.